After a long and trying year, many people are desperate to get away to refresh, relax and recharge. All of that goes to waste however if properties are left empty and unprotected over the holiday season. Putting a few simple measures in place before you leave will ensure intruders are deterred and the likelihood of a disastrous outcome is prevented. Making sure there are signs of life is the best first line of defence. Across suburban Australia the clues that someone has gone away remain the same. An overflowing mailbox, no lights on in the evenings, bins not being put out, and no cars in the driveway for days or weeks on end. The solution could be as simple as asking a neighbour to pop over to clear the mailbox and bring the bins in and out. If you can’t get a house minder, why not ask a close friend or relative to pop over once or twice a week to check everything's ok, turn some lights on, open and close the blinds and make the place look lived in? Removing temptation is also important. Leaving the curtains open with all your goodies on display will be your first great mistake. Closely followed by to forgetting to remove the spare key - dreadfully hidden in plain sight – and not fixing broken locks on doors or window frames. Even simple things like an excited post on social media about your upcoming holidays – or that notorious ‘boarding passes at the airport’ departure shot can be your undoing.