This March Pat Howard from our office is fundraising for reachout.com through the Laps for Life initiative. Reach out is an online platform for our youth to seek help with mental health concerns 24 hours a day. 1 in 4 young Australians is currently experiencing a mental health difficulty but 70% of those who need help don’t get it. Suicide remains the leading cause of death of young Aussies meaning more young people take their own lives each year than die in car accidents. Pat has chosen to support this fundraiser after the recent events with our dear friend and colleague Angus Lathan taking his life late last year. The grief we have all felt has been great over the past few months and Pat is using the challenge to help in healing the loss of our friend. ReachOut is there – 24/7 – for whatever life throws at them. With tools, tips, advice for everything from dealing with exam stress to understanding how to get help for an issue that’s worrying them, ReachOut.com provides practical tools designed just for their needs, even when they don’t know what they’re looking for. Last year alone, ReachOut was there for more than 3 million people, and it's estimated that ReachOut prevented more than 300 fatal suicides. Every dollar raised through Laps for Life will enable ReachOut to continue providing this vital service so that young people get the support they need to be happy and well. Pat is planning to haul his huge heart through the water for 31Km’s in March…. A “K” A Day and is already training for the big gig by swimming every day through February. We will be posting updates through March to keep everyone up to date of the progress and would love the support from our friends, family and any business’ that want to get on board for this great cause. If you would like to support Pat, please follow the link below to his sponsorship page to donate. We would love the support. If you or someone you know are in distress or need help right now, Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) or Lifeline (13 11 14) both have counselors you can talk to at any time of day, who will provide care and a listening ear. #lapsforlife #reachout #sealion #teamgus #forever19