Australia’s bushfire danger season is nearly upon us so now is the ideal time to clear leaves from your home’s gutters and run through your safety checklist. Reducing your home’s bushfire risk! First National Real Estate recommends homeowners and tenants take the following steps now to reduce bushfire risk: • Clear leaves from gutters, downpipes and roofs • Check roof vents and screen them with fine wire mesh • Check that pressure relief valves on LPG cylinders face away from your home, and store portable cylinders in a safe, less exposed place • Cut back overhanging trees, mow grass, and rake up flammable leaves • Don’t dump green waste behind your property, on council reserves or in bushland • Check garden hoses are long enough to reach perimeter fences • Consider buying a portable, petrol driven pump to use from your pool or water tank (water pressure often fails in an emergency) • Download the ‘Disaster Watch’ App and any available local fire service Apps • Update your emergency services contact numbers For families considering holidaying away from home this summer, we recommend letting a neighbour know where you’ll be and how to contact you. Take extra steps like turning off and disconnecting non-essential appliances, close all internal doors, test smoke alarms, and, if you live in a bushfire prone area, check with your local fire brigade for any fact sheets or checklists they may have available. Taking these simple steps now can make a lifesaving difference in protecting your home, and family from a fire. Be prepared! Too many conversations after an emergency begin with ‘I wish I had’. You can’t get back what you’ve lost after an emergency so take steps to protect what matters most now. Moving important belongings, paperwork and photos to a single point in your home makes it easier to grab them if you need to leave in a hurry.